What Our Customers are Saying
Very strong and easy to assemble!
This boxes for birds are wonderful, I had the chance to see one of those boxes when I got a shipment from my friend Carl Wissler a tumbler breeder. He is a kind man who helped me get started with some free birds that he was not going to use because they were part of a muffed bar tumbler project and so the feet feathers were not developed fully but birds were of great quality as you know he is always winning top honors with the breed.
The box he sent them in was a huge box which had 2 layers and separated birds very well, wonderful box, very strong and easy to assemble, so far the best box for birds I have seen. So, the word is out my friends. If you need to shop for boxes for your shipments. Please contact Mike Owen, he and his beautiful and kind wife are selling them and they are great quality. No, I don’t work for him, but many of you know the he is a kind person who cares about the hobby very much.
-Jessica Salgado from Chicago
Breeder of Jacobins, Bokharas and LF Muffed Tumblers
We recommend boxesforbirds.com to everyone!
Being previous pleased customers, when it came time to ship my foundation trio of large fowl Light Sussex from Montana to western Pennsylvania, we once again turned to Boxesforbirds.com . Were thrilled to find the 16 bird box so all our birds could come here in one shipment. We used the new divider which segmented the box into 3 roomy triangle compartments. A great idea that worked perfectly! Plenty of room for the cock’s lovely tail feathers! The birds were shipped USPS Express Overnight and arrived here 3 hours early! Birds and box in perfect condition. We recommendboxesforbirds.com to everyone for their bird shipping needs and will not use any other brand.
-Karen and Bob Tewart
The Tewarts
Waterford English Light Sussex
Your boxes save us time and money!
I own and operate the websites PigeonDB.com, RollerDB.com and PigeonsBid.com. From time to time, we buy lots of quality pigeons and place them on the auction block, all the while we house them on the premises. These pigeons need to go out to all corners of the country when they are purchased. For us, we have found that BoxesForBirds shipping boxes are the best deal when we are shipping birds to the winning bidders. These boxes weigh less, and as a business, we find it incredibly easy to set them up and ship them out. We have tried [the competitor’s] boxes on to find that we spend too much time simply trying to assemble them. You need strong arms just to get the tabs to align so that you can run a zip tie through them. The time we spend wrestling with the box is better spent building out our business. For this reason, and more, we exclusively ship birds from our facilities in BoxesForBirds.com shipping boxes. We love em.
-Gonzalo Banuelos
PigeonsBid.com, RollerDB.com, PigeonDB.com
Your product is a cost saver for the sender and receiver of birds!
For the 50th Anniversary NBRC Convention this year, Boxes for BIrds donated 6 small shipping boxes, 1 8 bird box, and 1 16 bird box. This was a big help for folks who bought birds out of the convention kit that was auctioned off. Not only did they not have to pay for a shipping box, but the new style shipping boxes from Boxes for Birds cost less to ship while still accommodating the number of birds the boxes are built for. All boxes are USPS approved. They are more streamlined than other boxes, cost less to purchase, cost less to send flat postage-wise, and cost less to ship with birds in them! You can realize a nice savings by using their products for your shipping needs, as well as they are very prompt in getting them mailed out to you. We appreciate their donation to the NBRC and appreciate their product that is a cost saver for the sender and receiver of birds! On behalf of the NBRC and roller hobby, thanks Boxes for Birds!
-Don Macauley
2011 Convention Coordinator, NBRC and WC Regional Director for Southern Nevada